# tui-charts-scatter 散点图表 会员组件
# 引入
# uni-app引入
import tuiChartsScatter from "@/components/thorui/tui-charts-scatter/tui-charts-scatter.vue"
export default {
第二种,开启easycom组件模式,如果不了解如何配置,可先查看 官网文档 (opens new window)。
# uni-app版本平台差异说明
App-Nvue | App-vue | H5 | 微信小程序 | 支付宝小程序 | 百度小程序 | 字节小程序 | QQ小程序 |
升级中 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
# 微信小程序引入(可在app.json中全局引入)
"usingComponents": {
"tui-charts-scatter": "/components/thorui/tui-charts-scatter/tui-charts-scatter"
# 代码演示
<view class="tui-scatter--box">
<view class="tui-title">Life Expectancy and GDP by Country</view>
<tui-charts-scatter :legend="options1.legend" :xAxis="options1.xAxis" :xAxisLine="options1.xAxisLine" :yAxis="options1.yAxis" ref="scatter1"></tui-charts-scatter>
// data 数据 及 方法
export default {
data() {
return {
options1: {
legend: {
show: true,
size: 24,
color: '#333'
xAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 70000,
splitNumber: 10000
xAxisLine: {
color: '#e3e3e3',
itemGap: 88
yAxis: {
min: 55,
max: 85,
splitNumber: 5
dataset: [{
color: 'rgba(228,111,121,.9)',
width: 20,
source: [
[28604, 77, 'Australia'],
[31163, 77.4, 'Canada'],
[1516, 68, 'China'],
[13670, 74.7, 'Cuba'],
[28599, 75, 'Finland'],
[29476, 77.1, 'France'],
[31476, 75.4, 'Germany'],
[28666, 78.1, 'Iceland'],
[1777, 57.7, 'India'],
[29550, 79.1, 'Japan'],
[2076, 67.9, 'North Korea'],
[12087, 72, 'South Korea'],
[24021, 75.4, 'New Zealand'],
[43296, 76.8, 'Norway'],
[10088, 70.8, 'Poland'],
[19349, 69.6, 'Russia'],
[10670, 67.3, 'Turkey'],
[26424, 75.7, 'United Kingdom'],
[37062, 75.4, 'United States']
}, {
color: 'rgba(114,209,224,.9)',
width: 24,
source: [
[44056, 81.8, 'Australia'],
[43294, 81.7, 'Canada'],
[13334, 76.9, 'China'],
[21291, 78.5, 'Cuba'],
[38923, 80.8, 'Finland'],
[37599, 81.9, 'France'],
[44053, 81.1, 'Germany'],
[42182, 82.8, 'Iceland'],
[5903, 66.8, 'India'],
[36162, 83.5, 'Japan'],
[1390, 71.4, 'North Korea'],
[34644, 80.7, 'South Korea'],
[34186, 80.6, 'New Zealand'],
[64304, 81.6, 'Norway'],
[24787, 77.3, 'Poland'],
[23038, 73.13, 'Russia'],
[19360, 76.5, 'Turkey'],
[38225, 81.4, 'United Kingdom'],
[53354, 79.1, 'United States']
onReady() {
this.$refs.scatter1 && this.$refs.scatter1.draw(this.options1.dataset)
methods: {
.tui-scatter--box {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%;
font-size: 28rpx;
padding-bottom: 32rpx;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
<view class="tui-scatter--box">
<view class="tui-title">Life Expectancy and GDP by Country</view>
<tui-charts-scatter legend="{{options1.legend}}" xAxis="{{options1.xAxis}}" xAxisLine="{{options1.xAxisLine}}" yAxis="{{options1.yAxis}}" id="scatter1"></tui-charts-scatter>
// data 数据 及 方法
data: {
options1: {
legend: {
show: true,
size: 24,
color: '#333'
xAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 70000,
splitNumber: 10000
xAxisLine: {
color: '#e3e3e3',
itemGap: 88
yAxis: {
min: 55,
max: 85,
splitNumber: 5
dataset: [{
color: 'rgba(228,111,121,.9)',
width: 20,
source: [
[28604, 77, 'Australia'],
[31163, 77.4, 'Canada'],
[1516, 68, 'China'],
[13670, 74.7, 'Cuba'],
[28599, 75, 'Finland'],
[29476, 77.1, 'France'],
[31476, 75.4, 'Germany'],
[28666, 78.1, 'Iceland'],
[1777, 57.7, 'India'],
[29550, 79.1, 'Japan'],
[2076, 67.9, 'North Korea'],
[12087, 72, 'South Korea'],
[24021, 75.4, 'New Zealand'],
[43296, 76.8, 'Norway'],
[10088, 70.8, 'Poland'],
[19349, 69.6, 'Russia'],
[10670, 67.3, 'Turkey'],
[26424, 75.7, 'United Kingdom'],
[37062, 75.4, 'United States']
}, {
color: 'rgba(114,209,224,.9)',
width: 24,
source: [
[44056, 81.8, 'Australia'],
[43294, 81.7, 'Canada'],
[13334, 76.9, 'China'],
[21291, 78.5, 'Cuba'],
[38923, 80.8, 'Finland'],
[37599, 81.9, 'France'],
[44053, 81.1, 'Germany'],
[42182, 82.8, 'Iceland'],
[5903, 66.8, 'India'],
[36162, 83.5, 'Japan'],
[1390, 71.4, 'North Korea'],
[34644, 80.7, 'South Korea'],
[34186, 80.6, 'New Zealand'],
[64304, 81.6, 'Norway'],
[24787, 77.3, 'Poland'],
[23038, 73.13, 'Russia'],
[19360, 76.5, 'Turkey'],
[38225, 81.4, 'United Kingdom'],
[53354, 79.1, 'United States']
onReady: function () {
let scatter1=this.selectComponent('#scatter1')
scatter1 && scatter1.draw(this.data.options1.dataset)
.tui-scatter--box {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
width: 100%;
font-size: 28rpx;
padding-bottom: 32rpx;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
// Make sure to add code blocks to your code group
- 需等组件初始化完成后才能调用方法进行绘制
- 数据变化时需重新调用
# Slots
插槽名称 | 说明 |
- | - |
# Props
属性名 | 类型 | 说明 | 默认值 |
legend | Object | 图例,说明 | {show: true,size: 24,color: '#333'} |
tooltip | Boolean | 点击时是否显示提示信息 | true |
xAxis | Object | x轴数值数据 | {min: 0,max: 100,splitNumber: 20} |
xAxisTick | Object | x轴刻度线 | {height: '12rpx',color: '#e3e3e3'} |
xAxisLine | Object | x轴线条 | {color: '#e3e3e3',itemGap: 100} |
xAxisLabel | Object | x轴item项label样式 | {color: '#333',size: 24} |
yAxis | Object | y轴数值数据 | {min: 0,max: 100,splitNumber: 20} |
yAxisLine | Object | y轴线条 | {color: '#e3e3e3',itemGap: 80} |
yAxisTick | Object | y轴刻度线 | {width: '12rpx',color: '#e3e3e3'} |
yAxisLabel | Object | y轴item项label样式 | {color: '#333',size: 24} |
splitLine | Object | x轴、y轴分割线样式 | {color: '#e3e3e3',type: "dashed"} |
//xAxis x轴数值数据属性说明(同yAxis)
min: 0,
max: 100,
//分段数值,取值必须大于 0,并且可被(max - min)整除
splitNumber: 20
//splitLine x轴、y轴分割线样式 属性说明
color: "#e3e3e3",
//线条展示类型,同 border-style,可选值 dashed、dotted、solid
type: "dashed"
# Events
事件名 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
click | 点击图表圆点时触发 | {datasetIndex:数据集合索引,sourceIndex: 数据项索引} |
# Methods
如何调用方法详见 进阶用法 介绍
事件名 | 说明 | 传入参数 |
draw | 绘制图表 | dataset, xAxisValFormatter |
onReady() {
this.$refs.scatter1 && this.$refs.scatter1.draw(this.options1.dataset)
onReady: function () {
let scatter1=this.selectComponent('#scatter1')
scatter1 && scatter1.draw(this.data.options1.dataset)
# 预览
# 特别说明
该组件为 会员组件
# 线上程序扫码预览
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
ThorUI组件库小程序码 | H5二维码 | ThorUI示例小程序码 |